About us

Who we are?

Lazer Planet (hereinafter – LP) is a non-profit organization, which goal is to collect information and generate analytics on lazer music. LP is the Web successor of the music magazine All About Lazer that was puplished from 2018 to 2020. The magazine has its own database of lazer artists, releases and news of the genre.

LP is NOT:

  • LP is not an aggregator of reviews. All the analytical materials are written by the LP staff only;
  • LP is not an event board. News of the genre cover new releases and key events in the biography of notable artists, such as reunions, deaths, line-up changes, etc. The magazine does not publish information on upcoming live shows;
  • LP is not an interviewing platform. All the primary data on artists and releases are published based on available sources. The LP staff does not work directly with artists;
  • LP is not a promoting company. Each member of the reviewing staff is checked for their affiliation with artists. LP does not accept proposals from artists or their representatives.